Level |
Tuition hours |
Beginner, A1 |
60 |
Elementary, A2 |
90 |
Pre-Intermediate, B1 |
120 |
Intermediate, B1+ |
120 |
Upper Intermediate, B2 |
120 |
Advanced, C1 |
120 |
Proficient, C2 |
120 |
Courses for Teenagers
Level |
Tuition hours |
A1+ |
90 |
A2 |
90 |
A2+ |
90 |
B1 |
90 |
B1+ |
120 |
B2 |
120 |
Tuition fees can be paid in instalments of 12,500 DA for 30 hours.
Tuition fees can be paid in instalments of 15,000 DA for 30 hours.
University students receive a discount, paying 14,500 DA for 30 hours.
Courses for Children
Level |
Tuition hours |
Pre-Starters |
60 |
Starters |
60 |
Movers |
60 |
Flyers |
90 |
One-to One Tuition
One to One tuition is available. The hours are flexible with a minimum of 20 hours. Tuition at the British Institute is 3,500 DA per hour. Tuition at the client’s premises is 4,500 DA per hour and there is no additional transport charge within Algiers.
Tuition fees can be paid in instalments of 12,500 DA for 30 hours.